I am happy that you made it here, my warm welcome to you
I am Sigre. I have higher education in international business and have been intensively active both in corporate world as well as entrepreneurship for the last 20 years. During these years I have experienced the exuberance of victory as well as failures, inspirational times as well as being stuck. Have you ever felt that the career ladder you are climbing up is not at the “right” wall? I have felt that. I was in subconscious search, feeling that there is more in life, feeling that I was not following my true me, which I was not sure what that was anymore. This unbearable urge directed me to parallel search within myself. I have been fortunate to encounter diverse life adventures and unforgettable travels that have taken me to different parts of the world, meeting wonderful people along the way, learning about life.
My practices and learnings include: Tantra, Yoga, Human Design System, Shamanism, bodywork, massage, meditation, darkness, Kahuna philosophy, Todoesuno™ philosophy and life itself.
My greatest inspirations come from living practitioners and from their teachings: Ewoud Jansen, Katiza Satya Ivulic & Kevin Sahaj, TyeZan, Andrew Barnes, David Deida, Nisarga Eryk Dobosz, Cienfuegos.
A vision of AllisOne Harmonious Me (AHM) – crystalized right after my journey to Mexico, where I was blessed to reconnect with my roots and receive inspiration to live and act out my passion in life. AHM is a synthesis of learnings and practices, throughout my life. Sometimes, it takes great travelling the world, to see what is right here, within. Perhaps because we are too involved in our daily routine at work and home to relax and open our body to our innate intuition, whereas when we travel afar we can disconnect from our daily rhythm, we can truly relax, open up, connecting to our deep soul. Everybody has their own individual journey to that connection.
I believe, there are more people like me, people that are looking for more in their lives - more meaning and fullness, true happiness and freedom, deep love and satisfaction. People that are willing to take responsibility for their lives and end their inner anguish by deciding to start with their own conscious evolution. My passion is to encourage, guide and inspire you on this path of your personal growth and grow myself along the way.
Contact me at: sigre@allisone.ee